How to Get Your Website on Google News

Google News is a service that provides real-time news updates to users of the Google search engine. The service uses an algorithm to select stories from a variety of online sources, including traditional news outlets and blogs. Google News also allows users to customize their news experience by choosing which topics they want to see updates on, as well as setting up custom alerts for specific keywords or terms.

But did you know that Google News can also benefit your website? If you have a website with high-quality content, you can submit your website to Google News which can potentially increase your traffic. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to add your website to Google News step-by-step.

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How to Add Your Website to Google News in 5 Steps

Step 1: Check if your site is eligible.

In order for your site to be considered for inclusion in Google News, it must meet certain criteria. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Your site must publish original content that is relevant and timely.
  • Your site must be free of plagiarism, clickbait headlines, or other deceptive practices.
  • Your site should be published in English or another language supported by Google News.
  • Your site should have a clear editorial process with human editors who curate the content.
  • Your site should have a dedicated section for news (e.g., with recent articles appearing on the homepage or main RSS feed.

If your site meets all of the above criteria, you can move on to Step 2!

Step 2: Set up your news sitemap.

A sitemap is an XML file that lists all of the URLs on your website along with important information about each page, like when it was published, how often it’s updated, and its importance relative to other pages on the site.

Creating a sitemap helps search engines index your website more efficiently so they can surface your content in search results more quickly. You can create a new sitemap following these instructions from Google Support. Once you’ve created your sitemap, upload it to your server, then proceed to Step 3!

Note: If you already have a sitemap for your website, you can still submit a news sitemap as long as it meets the requirements listed here.

Step 3: Join Google News Publisher Center.

The Publisher Center is where you’ll submit information about your website for inclusion in Google News. To join, sign in with your existing Google account or create a new one, then complete the signup form with information about yourself and your website, including the URL of your news sitemap (from Step 2).

Once you’ve completed the signup form, agree to the Terms of Service, then click “Finish registration” at the bottom of the page—you’re now ready to submit your website!

Step 4: Submit your website.

Now that you’re registered, it’s time to submit your website for consideration! First, on the “My sites” page of the Publisher Center, click the “Add new site” button, then enter the URL of your website along with any other relevant information about your submission, including its language(s), topics covered, and targeted region(s).

When you’re finished filling out this information, click “Submit request” at the bottom of the page—your submission will now be reviewed by a member of the Google News team (more on this below).

Step 5: Wait for review & approval.

After you submit your request in Step 4, it will be reviewed by a member of the Google News team, who will determine if your site meets all eligibility requirements for inclusion.

This review process can take up to two weeks but is usually much quicker—you will receive an email from Google when their review is complete letting you know if your submission was approved or not approved, along with the next steps if applicable. That’s it! Now, all that’s left to do is wait for approval and then start reaping the benefits of being included in Google News!

Benefits of Getting Your Website on Google News

There are a number of benefits that come with having your website or blog included in Google News. First, it can help increase your visibility online, as your articles will be seen by more people when they appear in search results. This can lead to more traffic being driven to your site, which can, in turn, lead to more customers or clients.

Additionally, being included in Google News can help build credibility for your website or blog, as it shows that you are a source of reliable and trustworthy information. Finally, being listed in Google News can also help improve your search engine rankings, as Google gives preferential treatment to sites that are included in their news service.


Adding Your Website to Google News is a great way to increase traffic to your website while providing readers with timely and relevant content. And best of all? It’s free! All you need is a little patience and attention to detail, and you’ll be well on your way toward getting approved by Google News staff. Just remember to check eligibility requirements, set up an XML sitemap, join the Google News Publisher Center, and submit your URL. Good luck!

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